If you are producing children’s garments it is very important to ensure there are no broken needles left in the garments. This is why we ha...
It is not so important to have a metal detector for a women jacket factory but it is important for a kid’s factory. Since we produce a lot of children clothing it is imperative that we utilize our metal detector checking machine.
In this video we show you our metal detector checking machine that we use for children wear. Not only does the customer require it but it just a good practice to check that needles which may be broken during the sewing process are not left inside the garment. This machine will check to make sure that there is no metal inside the final products.
If you are looking for a children clothing factory then please consider Gold Garment S.P garment producer. Our sewers are trained to collect broken needs and turn them into the line leader who keeps a record of all broken needles and their pieces. A metal detector helps us find the pointy tips the sewers do not catch.
source https://www.goldgarment.vn/2019/11/does-gold-garment-have-metal-detector.html